16 February 2012

Party with Swag Bucks and Win $1000

My love for all things Swag Bucks is no secret. They are hands down: THE BEST REWARDS SITE on the internet having given away over $21 million in prizes! They turn 4 years old on February 27, 2012 and are hosting a little Birthday Bash to celebrate. Oh, they are also giving away $1000 prizes to 4 lucky Swaggernauts!! Yes, $4k!

If you are a member of Swag Bucks then check out this blog post and get partying on February 27th! I hope to see you on The Swag Guy and Swagasaurus Bux' team! That is my team and you know we are gonna win this thing!

If you are not a member, then sign up today to get in on the fun on the 27th! I have all your tips about Swag Bucks right here to get you started! You could be winning prizes before the big day.

Search & Win
click to join

Good luck, happy swagging and may the best (TSG's of course) team win!!

What team are you on? TSG (The Swag Guy) or TSGal (The Swag Gal)? Let me know in the comments below.

© 2012 Embrace The Free. All rights reserved. Disclosure Policy.



  1. I joined SwagGal's Beach Party! :)

    1. The Swag Gal is a fierce competitor. I was on her team in the previous 2 challenges. Good luck! :)

    2. I am your team member I am with the SB Guy!! See you at the party! I am saving all of my points for my dream item...about 3000 pts till I order!

    3. Nice Debi! You are so close to your dream! I'll see you at TSG's Penthouse Party. I hear it is going to be quite the swanky affair.


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