101 FREE Things to Do
- Laugh. Loudly.
- Write a letter.
- Write a poem.
- Give someone a sincere compliment.
- Play with your pet.
- Think of 5 people you are grateful to know.
- Take a walk.
- Collect 'home decor' outside. i.e. leaves, pine cones, branches.
- Stop and smell the roses. Leave them for others to enjoy.
- Pick up someone else's litter.
- Call your mother.
- Clip coupons!
- Attend a Free concert, movie night, sporting event.
- Cruise the aisles of your local farmer's market.
- Take a picture (if you have a cell phone or digital camera of course.)
- Imagine.
- Write down your 5 year plan.
- Organize something. Your purse, drawer, closet, priorities.
- Check out a book at the library.
- Read a magazine at the library.
- Read a child a book.
- Plan a date with someone you love.
- Find 23 things to donate, recycle or remove from your home.
- Clean your room.
- Exchange clothes/toys/books/magazines with a friend.
- Check on an elderly neighbor.
- Smile!
- Play a board game, cards.
- Take a bike ride down a new street.
- Take the long way home.
- Do your homework.
- Work in your or someone else's garden.
- Rake those leaves.
- Ask directions.
- Exercise!
- Meet someone new.
- Look up info online about your city.
- Get crafty.
- Get your kids/significant others opinion on something troubling you.
- Return that email.
- Organize something else.
- Make an inventory.
- Make a spreadsheet for groceries.
- Volunteer.
- Run a 5k for a cause.
- Help someone clean, organize something.
- Recycle your magazines, newspapers, office paper.
- Wash your mattress pads, pillow covers.
- Sweep under the bed.
- Watch a movie on TV, computer, from the library.
- Vote!
- Study the issues in an upcoming election.
- Make a care package of things you don't need anymore.
- Write a letter to a soldier.
- Write a Thank You letter.
- Clean all your pet's bedding/toys.
- Download a FREE Reward App on your phone.
- Enjoy a sunset.
- Go swimming.
- Reread your favorite book.
- Watch silly cat videos!
- Look up a new recipe.
- Take a free class online.
- Go to a museum on their free days.
- Make an art project out of things you have on hand.
- Clean out the garage.
- Create a scavenger hunt in your house or yard.
- Write a love song.
- Sing it to someone.
- Post it on YouTube so we all can see it! ;-D
- Brush your cat.
- Comb your dog.
- Tutor someone.
- Barter something you do well for something you want.
- Call someone just to gossip.
- Call someone else just to say hello.
- Write down all your important numbers by the phone.
- Create an emergency plan.
- Make a list of things needed for an emergency kit.
- Save empty 2L plastic soda bottles. Fill with water.
- Make a sewing kit for your purse. Put in film canister, whatever your have.
- Find a new use for an old thing.
- Take an afternoon off to be silly.
- Let the kids cook dinner. PB & J counts!
- Make a honey do list.
- Ask him/her nicely to do one thing.
- Reward him/her with a massage!
- Give your feet a massage.
- Push the SuperLucky Button and win PayPal gift cards for free.
- Sleep in late.
- Create a wish list.
- Clear your desk.
- Cancel any subscriptions you no longer need.
- Make homemade play dough.
- Make homemade bubbles with dish soap.
- Make homemade soup with leftovers.
- Help a neighbor.
- Find that lost sock.
- Earn free Amazon Gift Cards on your Android phone with Swag Bucks SBTV mobile app.
- Write a blog post.
- Thank a stranger. Thank you!! for reading this list.
Feel free to use the contact button above or tweet @valeriesweeps with more of your favorite free activities. I just might add them to a later list with a link to you!
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